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Drop Arm Turnstile

时间:2025-02-20人气:作者: 小编

Drop Arm Turnstile

Drop Arm Turnstile

CXT Drop Arm Turnstilesdrop arm barrier are stylish waist-high security turnstiles that operate on the sweep open principle, this security turnstile has a wide gateway, it can be pedestrian pass-thru and also ADA entry.

Drop Arm Turnstile Features:

  • Application scenarios: indoor/outdoor
  • Anti-trailing performance: middle
  • Anticollision: middle
  • Passing type: Pedestrian/ADA lane
  • Barrier length: 600mm
  • Ideal for ADA/wheelchair/baby cart passing.
  • Double anti-pinch protections: Mechanical and infrared providing more reliable and safer passing.
  • Sound & light alert for the illegal intrusion, reverse passing, trailing, and overdue passing etc.
  • Barrier auto falls when power is off to meet emergency security requirement. 

标签: Drop Arm Turnstile