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Prison gate/Prison turnstiles

时间:2024-07-30人气:作者: 小编

Prison gate/Prison turnstiles

Prisons, in a broad sense, refer to places where all prisoners are detained. In a narrow sense, they refer to places where state organs educate, reform and punish anti-intoxicants. Under this definition, safety and stability are the primary tasks for the normal operation of prisons. Therefore, prison gates are the main products for the construction of comprehensive security systems.

After the Ministry of Justice held a "Prison Informatization Conference" in Nanjing, various parts of the country established the basic framework for prison informatization in the future, which became the positioning tone and target direction for the planning of prison informatization by relevant departments at all levels of prisons. So far, the nationwide prison informatization construction wave has officially begun.

Here, Chuangxintong Technology launches the prison gate - full-height turnstile channel system solution

I. Prison gate - full-height turnstile channel system design and features

1. Fully in line with the management habits of prisons, citing the concepts of collecting wind, letting wind, and martial law

2. Dual controller hot backup solutions can be used in key areas to ensure the absolute safety and reliability of the system

3. Automatic deployment and withdrawal, multiple alarm levels to ensure the security of the system

4. Super strong anti-interference, the card reader can be protected by a metal shell, which meets the needs of the high-security environment of the prison
5. Large capacity, fast response, response time less than 0.2 seconds

II. Overview of the "Smart, Safe Prison" Prison Gate - Full-Height Turntile Facility Solution

Through modern high-tech prison access control channel gate system management methods, a complete, integrated, reliable, and easy-to-operate prison integrated access control system is built. It monitors and manages the prison as an organic whole, effectively preventing, stopping and reducing the possibility and harm of accidents such as prison escape and prison violence.

The prison access control channel gate management system is developed on the basis of "RBS-Ⅱ" technology and strictly complies with the high security and high reliability requirements of modern prison management. Its biggest feature is that it adopts different management modes according to the management requirements of different areas of the prison. It is a professional access control system for large prison management.

(I) Digital integration and linkage management

It can improve the automation and intelligence level of security prevention in the entire prison monitoring area through integration or linkage with other monitoring subsystems, and realize all-round and comprehensive digital security. Such as:

Linkage with matrix: When the prison gate channel door is illegally opened, the control matrix switches the image and calls the preset position;

Linkage with alarm system: Force the corresponding prison gate to be locked or unlocked after the defense zone alarms;

Linkage with hard disk recorder: Linkage video and photo capture when the prison gate moves;

Linkage with fire protection subsystem: It can improve the life protection ability of the enterprise, especially the central branch, which has a relatively large population density and can quickly evacuate the crowd in case of emergencies.

(II) Full monitoring coverage and hierarchical management

The prison area is fully covered, the prison gate full-height turnstile channel is equipped with identity recognition, and the prison has no blind spots, so that the entire "smart and safe prison" can be controlled. A reasonable channel system and hierarchical management are set up in the prison, and the corresponding regional facilities can be given hierarchical permissions to ensure that the management in the prison is effective, stable and safe.

(III) Strong system scalability

It can be easily expanded into prison cards such as patrol, consumption, and parking.

Online patrol does not require additional hardware costs, and the graphical interface can easily complete the arrangement of patrol routes and the management of patrol personnel.

(IV) Dual controller hot backup function

The prison gate-full-height turnstile channel system can be set up in certain key areas. The door management adopts the dual main controller hot backup function. Even if one of the main controllers is damaged in extreme cases, the backup controller can take over the system in time to ensure the reliability of the system.

(V) Alarm reminder type

The system is divided into three levels according to the severity of the alarm reminder: general alarm, serious alarm, and emergency alarm (the alarm level can be customized), and different alarm reminder levels can be distinguished by color, providing prison managers with the first-time reminder.

Alarm reminders are mainly divided into three levels (customizable if required):

Emergency alarm: alarm that must be handled immediately;

Important alarm: alarm that needs to be handled within 12 hours;

General alarm: event that should be noted;

Among them, emergency alarms are marked in red, important alarms are marked in pink, general alarms are marked in blue, and normal status is marked in green. At the same time, the corresponding level of retribution reminder voice can be set.

(VI) Prison gate-full-height turnstile has high security and stable performance

The overall system operation mode is mainly based on ordinary PC operation, providing rich right-click menus and drag functions, which is easy to use. Among them, the prison gate-full-height turnstile has high security and stable performance. It is the preferred channel gate in international prisons and an essential equipment for the management of various channels in prisons.

The above is the prison gate - full-height turnstile channel system solution launched by Chuangxintong Technology. If you have other suggestions, please contact us for consultation to create a more perfect, safe and stable prison gate - full-height turnstile channel system solution.

Full Height Turn Style Door Features and Functions:

<img src="https://www.turnstilecn.com/uploads/image/20231011/10/8_1696992893.jpg" font-size:16px;line-height:1.6em;max-width:100%;height:initial;color:#000000;font-style:normal;font-variant-ligatures:normal;font-variant-caps:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;orphans:2;text-align:start;text-indent:0px;text-transform:none;widows:2;word-spacing:0px;-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;white-space:normal;text-decoration-thickness:initial;text-decoration-style:initial;text-decoration-color:initial;"="" style="box-sizing: border-box;padding: 0px;border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;font-family: VERDANA, AvenirNextLTPro, 'Lucida Grande', 'Microsoft Yahei', Arial, 'Open Sans', Candara;line-height: 1.4em;max-width: 100%;height: initial">1. Full Height Turn Style Gate with high quality.embody with auto failure checking and failure reminding function for easier maintenance and operation.
2. CXT-ZC1701F Turn Style Gate can be housed with standard RFID/IC/ID proximity card reading window, external switch button, remote control are all available(can modify to Fingerprint & Face recognition mode)
3. Uni-direction or bi-direction accessing mode for optional.
4. With automatic turning function:When turnstile unlocks, it rotate 120 degree for pedestrian's passing and then automatic reset (lock). Or When there is no access within the setting time, the system will automatically cancel the user's passing authority and automatically close(lock), the setting time can be 3 s, 5 s, 10 s, 60 s.
5.Impingement resistant function: Without receiving the start signal, Turnstile's rod locks automatically.
6.Anti-trailing function: Turnstiles rotates 90/120 degree and then automatically locks to avoid the trailing.
7 The rod will open automatically to evacuate people in the event of an emergency, such as fire hazard, power failure etc.,
8 Can be connected with various card-reading devices, and receiving the signal of the gate's control.
9 The product can be connected with multiple control device, can be controlled by external button or remote control. The product can switch between uni-direction or bi-direction.
10 With precise optical sensor and advanced algorithm ,so that there is no delay for the detecting signals and it help to Avoid several persons to pass the access at one times.

Dynamic access control system,

vehicle access door,

door for people to pass through,

vehicle access control,

Access control,

Access control solutions,

Access control platform,

Access control during fire alarm,

Access control,

Access Card,

Elevator access control,

access control parameters,

Biometric access control,

Fingerprint access control,

Password access control,